英国兰卡斯特大学的 Tony McEnery 教授是国际语料库语言学界的代表性学者,他在 Corpus-based Language Studies: An Advanced Resource Book 一书中对语料库有如下定义:A collection of machine-readable, authentic texts which is sampled to be representative of a particular language or language variety。
你真的会背单词吗?原创 小丁学姐 英语达目标 昨天今天跟大家谈谈英语词汇的问题。首先表明立场,词汇是语言学习绕不开的永恒主题。有些小朋友理不直气也壮:“信你个鬼,我学中文就没背过新华词典!”那时候的你太年轻,显然已经忘记了被“一行拼音两行汉字组两个词”支配的恐惧。
如以下例句所示:The exquisite life of the Shanghai people is proven once again: running to buy coffee when the quarantine was lifted;
根据该数据库的说法:Perhaps most useful for language learners, where they probably don't care about the separate frequency of individual word forms, e.g. decide, decides, decided.
Carl,我认识的一个美国人,在中国担任培训机构的英语老师,他觉得他教的孩子经常会用the day after tomorrow来跟他说周末的活动计划,原话大概是这样:I often thought it was strange that many students come up with these long and complex sentences such as “I will go to the beach the day after tomorrow”, when they could have just said “I’m going to the beach on Sunday”. Why would they say that mouthful “the day after tomorrow” when they could simply say “on Sunday”?
来源:【四川日报-川观新闻】刘健 川观新闻记者 王晋朝在由四川日报全媒体主办、全省183个县级融媒体中心联动的“追光2022”天府人物推介活动中,乐山市沙湾区融媒体中心向组委会推荐傅建斌——这位自幼因脊髓灰质炎落下残疾,但自立自强、深受大家爱戴的“傅老师”。
I watch Modern Family all the time.Every single episode cracks me up every time.LOL = laugh out loud大声笑。