本文来自微信公众号:城墙上的守夜人微信简介:守夜人真是深不可测啊!(文/城墙上的kris)你一定有过这种感觉,发现一个美好的事物却没有词语来形容它,所谓妙入毫巅处,将言未可言。为此,美国人Ella F.
舒尔茨-卡夫说:“First, the obvious one: 61% of Bitcoin supply that hasn’t moved in over a year — that’s an all-time high. Moreover, 44% hasn’t moved in 2+ years , and almost 30% hasn’t moved in 3+ years. Loads of hodling here.”
LinjiangxianThetorrents of the Yangzi wash away heroes of yore,Right or wrong, success or failure, all are no more.Green hills and wide rive
People say blah, blah, blah, when they do not want to give the exact words that somebody has said or written because they think they are not important or are boring.用来表示肯定、激动,或者热情的情绪。