果然是互联网时代两天不上网就掉队了,说老实话,看到yyds这个缩写,第一反应是:英语大神...例句:For my money, he's one of the greatest comedians of all time.
如:CONSULTORIAINTERNATIONAL S.A.DE C. V. MEXICO十一、K.K./ Y.K.k.k.是日本语Kabushiki Kaisha的简写,等于英语中的Joint-stock company;如:HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K.Y
谁说“o yo”就一个意思?来看看下面的口气,同样的两个字,不同的音调,就能表达不同的感情。再次深深地被常州的口语文化折服……o读第一声,yo读第一声(重读),表示惊叹、赞美;举个栗子:喔唷,今朝个衣裳体面的嘛!【翻译】哇,今天的衣服真好看!
YYDS, the pinyin abbreviation of the four Chinese character expression, literally meaning “eternal god”, illustrates one's feeling for something or someone godlike, awesome and exceptional.
Zhao Lijian: China has constantly adjusted its policy response in light of the evolving COVID situation. We believe that the number of flights will gradually increase and return to normal as the COVID-19 situation in China improves.
来源:河南广电-映象网映象网讯(记者 李昌)近日,不少网友在各大网络平台发起投票,要求封杀使用率越来越高的诸如yyds、u1s1这些网络用语,因为“莫名其妙,没有意义”。那么,网上这些近来高频亮相的字母缩写都是什么意思?而这些字母缩写究竟又是如何产生的呢?