One little, two little, three little Indians,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indians.
Onelittle finger, one little finger, one little finger.Tap tap tap.Point your finger up.Point your finger down.Put it on your head. Head!
3、LondonBridge is Falling DownLondon Bridge Is Falling DownSharon Prabhakar - Merry Go Round堪称是经典,小雨听几遍就学会了,很多歌曲其实孩子并不是很懂,但是语感就是这样培养起来的,当听到一
94.Canyou tell me what this is你能告诉我这是什么吗95.Here we go around the mulberry bush我们绕着桑树丛96.How is the weather天气怎么样认识各种不同的天气,每天都可以问天气怎么样。
之前的文章里,我分享了关于英文童谣,父母最容易掉进去的三个大坑。1. 以为听多了,就自然懂了。2. 以为会唱,就是学会了。3. 以为只学英文儿歌,就够了。避免了踩坑后,今天分享下,用英文童谣引导孩子学英语的正确步骤。