例句:Sammyis a good mouser. We don't have any miceproblem at home.萨米是捕鼠能手,我们家里可没有老鼠。5. Pussycat猫咪Pussycat这个词是对小猫的昵称。它也可以用来幽默地形容某人“特别温柔,像小姑娘一样”
#文化# #英语文化# #美国文化# #英语单词# #小猫#中英双语语言和文化专栏内容:文化话题第十一期(NO.11)专栏内容提要:小猫咪除了叫kitty, 还可以这样称呼!本片段节选自美剧《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)。
今天分享一篇阅读理解。可以学习动物的话题时进行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这篇阅读理解的文章是:My Little Kitty图片来源于网络先来读文章:图片来源于网络1.This is my little kitty.
关于catfish的这个用法,剑桥词典的解释是:someone who pretends on social media to be someone different, in order to trick or attract other people。剑桥词典还列出了catfish的动词用法:在社交媒体上伪装身份来欺骗或吸引他人。
4/2/2016 方圆 A cats charity is raising money for one of its felines to have gender reassignment surgery, after vets realised that it was both
原版英文绘本分享---Kitten's First Full Moon2015-06-25仔仔兔学堂Kitten's First Full Moon小猫咪追月亮It was kitten’s first full moon.小猫咪生来第一次见到满月。
A toast with the captain of this cruise ship might be done with a glass of milk rather than something alcoholic - because there's a cat at t
猫有好几个爱称,譬如puss和kitty.Puss是来自荷兰语(Dutch)和德国南部(Low German)的方言,是模仿猫的呼噜声(imitative of the spitting noise of a cat)的拟声词. 到16世纪时puss才成了猫的爱称.
A South Carolina police officer has become an internet sensation after rescuing an adorable kitten that he now takes on patrol with him.
I. Apparel 服饰1. The dancers pick out costumes.舞者们挑选演出服。演出服、化妆派对的服装叫costume;Pick out:挑选。2. Mia slips on her slippers. She is ready to dance.
After the paper was published, it didn't take long for Willard's true identity to come to light. The first time anyone outside of Hetherington's close colleagues learned of the cat scientist was when a visitor to the college came looking for the authors. Hetherington was away. Hetherington said, “Everyone laughed and soon the cat was out of the bag.”