There is a future sephiroth and a present sephiroth. Present sephiroth is dead and in the northren crater. Future sephiroth wants to change shit, but he cant because of watchmen of fate, spirits that want to keep the events just like that, and they were probably even following future sephiroth to the past to stop him. Im sure ive seen this concept before in soul reaver, where monsters attack raziel when hes travellin around time and messing with it.
在这篇文章发布的时候,我想大家都已经玩上《最终幻想7重制版》了吧。▌最终幻想7 核心危机《Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core》《FF7 CC》是“《最终幻想7》系列”中最晚推出的一款作品,不过故事的时间线反而是最靠前的,讲述的是本传七年之前发生的故事,并与之衔