I watch Modern Family all the time.Every single episode cracks me up every time.LOL = laugh out loud大声笑。
[Photo/pexels]捧腹大笑,汉语成语,捧腹大笑指用手捂住肚子大笑,常用于形容笑得不能抑制。可以翻译为“double up with laughter,be convulsed with laughter”等。例句:这故事真有趣,逗得我们捧腹大笑。
吉米老师前言:常听别人说,爱笑的人运气不会太差,因为运气太差的人根本笑不出来。laugh 是笑,good laugh 为什么不是好笑呢?good laugh 有趣的人laugh [læf] 笑声;笑料引人发笑的人除了动词,laugh 也有名词的词性,既能指物,也可以用在人身上。
1 She howled long and loud like a ferocious wolf and then jumped at Buck.2 She went home in a flood of tears.她泪如泉涌地回家去了。