I can no longer seek fame or glory, nor can I help trying to get rid of my riches, which separate me from my fellow-creatures.
在这种场合下,请保持冷静。只要冷静下来继续进行下去就好了。They will need to keep a level head to deal with the problems they will face in 2011.
“Boreout is chronic boredom. That sums it up,” says Lotta Harju, an assistant professor of organisational behaviour at EM Lyon Business School, France, who has studied boreout for years.
The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons which are put together to form shapes. The objective is to replicate a pattern generally found in a puzzle book using all seven pieces without overlap. It is reputed to have been invented in China sometime around the late 18th century CE and then carried over to America and Europe by trading ships shortly after.