basis 【类】debase:value=enervate:vitality=attenuate:force降低价值=减少活力=削弱力量simplify:complexity=debase:status=lower:height简化复杂=降低地位=降下高度 【反】debased-ennobleddeification-debasement。
403,“applicable”,“adj 生效的,适合的=appropriate=relevant【例】The new law is applicable to from next year 新的法律明年起生效。
射中 n.发芽 shortage/ ‘ʃɔ:tidʒ/ n.不足,缺少,不足额 shriek/ ʃri:k/ vi.尖声喊叫 n.尖叫声 sideways/ ‘saidweiz/ ad.斜着,斜向一边地 sightseeing/ ‘saitsi:iŋ/ n.观光,游览 signal/ ‘signəl/ n.信号 vi.发信号 signature/ ‘signitʃə/ n.署名,签字,签名 significance/ sig’nifikəns/ n.意义,意味;
序号考评单词音标词义1310personal['p:sənl]adj.私人的,个人的2289tie[taɪ]v.系,联系 n. 关系3237still[stɪl]adj.静止的;adv.甚至,仍然4228offer['ɔ:fə]v.
1. accept - 接受2. achieve - 实现、达成3. act - 行动、表演4. add - 加、增加5. admire - 钦佩、羡慕6. admit - 承认、允许进入7. adopt - 采用、收养8. advise - 建议、忠告9.
X-ray/'eks reɪ/n.X射线;X光。toothache /'tu: θeɪk/ n.牙痛。take one's temperature 量体温。headache/'hedeɪk/ n.头痛。
先认后写,先读后用,反复记忆,词块记忆,例句记忆,对比记忆,理解记忆,应用记忆,音标记忆,构词法记忆,反复记忆,图示记忆,谐音记忆,联想记忆等等。All roads lead to Rome.说的都是一回事,干就是了!
In man's early days. competition with other creatures must have been critical. But this phase of our development is now finished. Indeed, we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with primitive conditions. I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, and in this I do not think that I stand alone. The last creature to compete with man was the mosquito. But even the mosquito has been subdued by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays.向现代世界灌输一种思想以便摧毁我们人类是可能的事,对此我并不怀疑。