Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
变形金刚Transformers United是来自日系变形金刚的TakaraTomy玩具线系列,最初来自于美版孩之宝的Classics,2010年变形金刚和几代变形金刚整理之后组成的玩具为主的平行线,后来范围扩大了,成为了Unicron Trilogy和Beast Wars 1
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
熟悉变形金刚的兄弟一定对大电影前的两季故事记忆犹新,这其中有部分历史原因,然而更多的是因为1986年的大电影后,让我们瞬间按失去了对变形金刚的热情。今天我们重温经典的变形金刚第八十集的故事,Ghost In The Machine。