由乌尔善执导的影片《封神第二部:战火西岐》当下正处于热议之中,票房已然突破 8 亿之巨。然而,与第一部相较而言,此部的口碑颇具争议。先前的彩蛋里,闻太师登场尽显霸气,可结局却略显仓促。闻太师竟为申公豹所逼致死?此结局亦为彩蛋之一,不知诸位是否已观览?
潇湘晨报 12月18日,由导演乌尔善执导的电影《封神第二部:战火西岐》发布首支预告片及海报。预告中,西岐殷商两军列阵对峙、剑拔弩张,西岐保卫战一触即发。该片将于2025大年初一与观众见面,进军春节档。但在预告片中,《封神2》的新角色“魔家四将”引起了网友的热烈讨论。
In contrast to the luxurious and lofty capital city of Zhaoge, the film depicts the distant state of Xiqi as bright and warm. Wuershan explained, “The design of Xiqi is entirely distinct from that of Zhaoge in terms of aesthetics. Zhaoge represents power and desire — it is grand, opulent, and even carries a sense of menace. In contrast, Xiqi, untouched by war for hundreds of years, embodies the warmth and harmony of an agricultural civilization. In the film, you'll notice that the soldiers' armor and equipment are relatively simple, with some even wearing patched-up clothing. This highlights the completely different cultures and ways of life represented by Xiqi and Zhaoge.”