开场悬念,引出话题最近,电影圈最热门的话题莫过于《封神 2》的上映了!走在街头巷尾,总能听到人们热烈地讨论着这部备受瞩目的续作。有人说它延续了第一部的辉煌,特效和剧情都更上一层楼;也有人觉得它远不如预期,让人失望透顶。不知道大家看完《封神 2》后,心中有着怎样的评价呢?
【青岛新闻网独家】(记者 宋波鸿)几乎全程在青岛拍摄的《封神第一部》仍在国内各大院线上映,据猫眼专业版实时数据,截至8月10日下午,影片《封神第一部》票房已达18.7亿元。在影片中,设计制作了墨麒麟、雷震子、殷郊等特技造型的末那众和正是一家来自青岛的特效公司。
In contrast to the luxurious and lofty capital city of Zhaoge, the film depicts the distant state of Xiqi as bright and warm. Wuershan explained, “The design of Xiqi is entirely distinct from that of Zhaoge in terms of aesthetics. Zhaoge represents power and desire — it is grand, opulent, and even carries a sense of menace. In contrast, Xiqi, untouched by war for hundreds of years, embodies the warmth and harmony of an agricultural civilization. In the film, you'll notice that the soldiers' armor and equipment are relatively simple, with some even wearing patched-up clothing. This highlights the completely different cultures and ways of life represented by Xiqi and Zhaoge.”