图为工人在甲良三号隧道拱桥上施工。 中铁四局供图 中新网贵州独山12月13日电 (记者 瞿宏伦)13日,贵(阳)南(宁)高速铁路(以下简称:贵南高铁)贵州段甲良三号隧道内,机器轰鸣,中铁四局建设者们在隧道内的拱桥上进行混凝土浇筑,为下步无砟轨道和铺轨打牢基础。
In 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping and his Lao counterpart made an important decision to jointly build the China-Laos Railway. As the main force in the construction of the China-Laos Railway, China Railway Group Limited has established a headquarters for overall planning and coordination. With its experience in building mountain railways in complex geological environment, and its pioneering spirit of forging ahead in spite of hardships, CREC has assembled elite forces and carried out science-based organization to complete the construction tasks with high level and high quality, making China-Laos Railway a landmark project under the Belt and Road Initiative and of China-Laos friendship. CREC has undertaken the survey and design, electrification construction, and track laying of the whole line, as well as key engineering construction tasks, with the support of its nearly 20 subsidiaries, including China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group, China Railway Wuhan Electrification Bureau Group, China Railway First Group, China Railway No. 2 Engineering Group, China Railway No. 3 Engineering Group, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, China Railway No. 5 Engineering Group, China Railway Sixth Group, China Railway No. 8 Engineering Group, China Railway No. 10 Engineering Group, China Railway Tunnel Group, China Railway Electrification Engineering Group, China Railway Construction Engineering Group, China Railway Guangzhou Engineering Group, Shanghai Civil Engineering Co., Ltd., China Railway International Group, China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group, China Railway Academy, and China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Co., Ltd.
新华社北京12月3日电 题:跨越山河 联结友谊——写在“一带一路”标志性工程中老铁路开通运营之际 新华社记者 12月3日,“澜沧号”动车组列车从老挝首都万象站缓缓驶出;同日,一列复兴号动车组驶出中国云南昆明站……中老铁路全线开通运营。