1932年孙中山像壹圆铜币试打币,出自1972年Jess Peters销售目录,出自1963年韦德· 雷蒙德拍卖拍卖成交:2020年12月,中国香港,PCGS UNC DETAILS,成交价34 800美元。
英文翻译:In the twenty-first year of the Republic of China , the National government introduced a new monetary system. It still adopted Gammel's gold standard and ordered the central Mint to try the first gold standard. Among them face value divides into one yuan, half yuan, two jiao, one jiao 4 kinds are silver qualitative. Half cents, two cents two denominations for nickel. One penny is in brass. To form a whole family of gold coins.
英文翻译:In the course of the development of modern Chinese history, there appeared many historical heroes. Dr. Sun Yat-sen not only made great contributions to China in politics, but also painted a grand blueprint for China's development in economy. He was the forerunner of democratic revolution in modern history.
第二名,民民国二十一年孙中山像金本位壹圆银币铜质试铸样币,光边版, PCGS评级SP63,存世大约只有 10 枚左右,又经著名钱币收藏家耿爱德 、张南琛旧藏,1963 年韦德· 雷蒙德拍卖 ,拍品估价: RMB 4000000,于南京三省2022年春拍-钱币专场成交,含佣770.5万元成交,是此品种目前在公开拍卖中的最高价。
Kann-622x, trial strike in copper, Sun Yat-Sen bust left // three birds over junk, rising sun in background to right, yigrave yuaacuten in Hagravenzigrave across field, an absolutely lovely and rare specimen strike, PCGS graded Specimen-53 Secure Holder, RRR。