Due to the new structure of the model, the AGV will no longer fall into deadlock. But you may find that they still sometimes wait for each other. This situation is due to the mechanism of decision point dispatch and de-assignment, specifically the decision point's de-assignment type. The default setting is very conservative, that is, the assignment of the previous decision point is only cancelled when the AGV reaches the next decision point. This essentially causes the gap between the two decision points to be preserved while the AGV is traveling. You can modify this setting.
然后在实体库中点击你要创建的实体,然后在3D视图中点击即可。Method 3: Click the button in the main toolbar. Then tap the entity you want to create in the Entity Library, and then tap in the 3D view.
摘 要:在现有的快递自提柜与开放式快递服务站相结合的基础上,本文基于FlexSim软件对快递无接触配送模式的收件消杀、入柜、上架流程及两种取件流程进行了建模和仿真,建模基本参数以2021年10月23日~11月23日的数据为依据,得到仿真结果与现实基本一致,在此基础上进一步对仿真运行数据进行分析,并对系统存在的问题提出优化方案。