人不犯我我不犯人,人若犯我我必犯人,意思就是: 自己是一个安守本分的人,一般不主动招惹是非。从深圳东站乘坐火车一个半小时,到了惠州站,在惠州市玩了一天,游览了著名的西湖景区和红花湖景区,感觉到这两个景区非常好,景色宜人。
In your list of questions you also ask about the Communist Party's attitude to what has come to be known as “friction”. I tell you frankly that we are absolutely opposed to friction between the anti-Japanese parties, which cancels out their strength. But if anyone persists in using violence against us, tries to bully us and resorts to repression, the Communist Party will have to take a firm stand. Our attitude is: We will not attack unless we are attacked;