我们可以用一些故事或比喻来说明free的不同词汇,比如:free spirit是一个形容人不受传统或规则束缚的词语,我们可以用这样一个故事来记住它:She is a free spirit who loves to travel around the world and try new things.;
Start controlling the narrative instead of letting the narrative control you, and see the magic happen。
——尼古拉·戴博夫斯基,IPL 创立者&负责人,《瘟疫》游戏导演&首席编剧。就用 Reddit 上的这张梗图开启话题吧:如果你喜欢《极乐迪斯科》、《瘟疫》或《隐迹渐现》中的任何一个,那么你显然也应该试试另外二者——它们的玩家重合度如此之高。
The year 2024 has passed by like the wind. During this year, I was treating my illness while working to make money. I felt unwell and had symptoms of my illness recurring. So I immediately went to see a doctor. Every time I was hospitalized, I would meet many fellow patients. They were all older than me. They would ask me with great concern, “Sister, you're still young. Why do you have these diseases?”
第一部《绝对杀手》英文:Totally Killer 上映时间:上映日期: 2023-10-06(美国网络)类型: 喜剧 / 恐怖导演: 纳卡那驰·韩编剧: 珍·安吉洛 / David Matalon / Sasha Perl-Raver.....
In order to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and uphold the solemnity and authority of relevant UNGA and WHA resolutions, China cannot agree with the Taiwan region’s participation in this year’s WHA. We advise the DPP authorities to stop exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to engage in political manipulation. Otherwise, it will only invite humiliation to itself.