“Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.” - Peter Hagerty「人生是一场旅程,如果你爱上了这段旅程,你就会永远坠入爱河。
If you break down the adjective inadvertent you find the word vert, from the Latin vertere, meaning “to turn.” Advertent comes to mean “turning the mind to,” and as the prefix in- means “not,” inadvertent means “not turning the mind to,” or “not intending to.” When your actions are inadvertent you're not paying attention to their consequences. Remember that inadvertent ends with -ent by remembering this sentence: “We inadvertently ripped the tent.”
The book highlights the beauty and pride in being a woman in spite of a world that is systemically violent and unjust toward women. It also emphasizes the strength that women have in the bonds they share with other women.小说还凸显了女人团结在一起时拥有的力量。