他想到PCD这种新技术,在原文中是这样描述的:“During a vertebroplasty procedure, the authors observed that the adjacent disc with vacuum phenomenon filled with PMMA, and signs of instability had disappeared on postoperative X-ray. This led to the development of the PCD procedure: PMMA augmentation of the intervertebral disc with vacuum phenomenon in patients otherwise not suitable for more invasive surgery. The hypothesis of the authors is that, by filling disc space with PMMA, instability is decreased, thus reducing in turn pain and disability”.
在骨科门诊中,腰痛是常见的主诉。据估计,在所有人群中,一生中的某个时段发生过腰痛的比率为80%。在任何时候,大约18%的人群正在经历腰痛。一般急性腰痛经过休息、理疗、药物等对症治疗可明显好转,常规不需拍摄腰椎影像学检查 (但超过2周持续腰痛或反复发作,则需进一步检查)。
7个期刊发表的腰椎退行性疾患相关文章共201篇,其中European Spine Journal 84篇,Spine 54篇,The Spine Journal 31篇,Global Spine Journal 20篇,Neurosurgery 6篇,The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 5篇,Journal of Neurosurgery 1篇。
Urrutia J, Narvaez F, Besa P , et al Scheuermann's disease in patients 15-40 years old: a study to determine its prevalence and its relationship with age and sex using chest radiographs as screening tool. J Orthop Sci, 2019, 24: 776-779.