考试时我们3个人坐在一块,在试卷上奋笔疾书了3个小时。Even the official guide, the blue book, has some inaccurate integrated writing questions.
第二个就是纸质书容易标注: It's easy to mark some points on your book. 在书上做一些要点标记是很容易的。You can mark your books with light pencil marks to indicate words
Unit 1 In class 第1单元 在课上点击上方的小喇叭即可收听音频跟读视频Story timeNew wordsCartoon time & Sound time & Rhyme timeUnit 1 In class在课上Story timePage 6-7① Sta
If God wanted women to understand men, football would never have been created. 假如上帝想要女人了解男人,足球就不会创造出来。Heavy rainfalls flooded the lowlands. 大雨淹没了低洼地。
自从嘻哈音乐开始火了之后,大家都喜欢说,diss谁,那这里的diss就和我们今天讲的这个前缀有关,一会儿告诉你。Communication was disrupted for an hour. 通讯中断了一个小时。
“中国已经尽最大努力让国民减轻病毒带来的危害及后果。在这个问题上,各国政府应该共同努力。令人欣慰的是,我们看到这种局面正在以协调一致的方式发生着。澳大利亚有一句谚语‘Youcan take a leaf out of someone's book’,意思是你可以以某人为榜样。