Whenthe weather grows hotter, dampness and heat can affect human health. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature is highly recommended. Veg
Hani autonomous county of Mojiang, southwest China's Yunnan province is located on the northern tropic. Every year on the Summer Solstice, the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer and returns from north to south. Then, the amazing phenomenon known as “upright pole with no shadows” occurs.
12个月份的英文单词及其音标如下,同时提供了一种巧记方法:January ['dʒænjuəri]:一月,记忆法提示为“箭”,一月可以联想为“一箭穿心”的月份,January中的"Jan"像中文发音的“箭”。
例:Grain in Ear is the cut-off point for planting crops when the survival rate of crops is high at this time, it also means that the weather getting hot.此时身自得,难更与人同。
今天分享一篇阅读理解。可以学完季节后进行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这篇阅读的题目是Summer图片来源于网络1.In the summer the weather is hot and sunny.
There is a small breeze and the weather is getting warmer. The Beginning of Summer marks more vitality approaching. We wish you a happy summer.
抖音:谭剑波考研英语微博:谭剑波tangible唱吧:tangible一直播:349085572020年8月22日 农历庚子年七月初四 处暑。暑气至此而止矣,意味着这个动荡的暑假也要结束了,天气渐渐转凉,大家也要安抚一下自己焦躁的心绪,回到学校静心学习,坚守阵地,直到最后一刻!