先看看“His father and mother went through thick and thin. “是什么意思呢?Colloquially(通俗地说), thick and thin means good times and bad times.
1.Have a nice day. 祝你今天愉快2. So far, so good. 目前为止一切都好3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒4. Keep it up! 继续努力,继续加油(stay on)5. Good for you. 好啊!
手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。形容高一般用tall 或者 big形容矮一般用small多一点,比喻个头小形容胖这个需要注意谨慎使用fat. fat在形容人胖的单词中,最通用最直接,带有贬义和不礼貌的色彩(当然,如果你们关系很好无所谓),类似于汉语里的“肥”。
一只挂表在桌上找到了。A cart and horse was seen in the distance.凡是规则都有例外,但是我在权威词典上也看见了这样一个例句:Fish and chips are packed with protein.
If someone else achieved what you wanted, don't start taking your frustrations out on them. Face your failure with grace, and people will respect you even more for it.
207.ill 熟义:adj. 生病的It's no good speaking ill of others. adj/adv 坏的/地208. industry n.努力,勤勉His success was due to industry.他的成功是由于他工作努力。209. i
这两个音看似简单,其实很显英语的功力。大家要想让自己的发音更上一层楼,就要从这些小细节开始。1、门面音TH为什么叫门面音?我们和老外打招呼,一定是经典的教科书式的对白:Hello! How are you?Fine, thank you. And you?
英语就是thin layer of snow。There was some light snowfall overnight leaving a thin layer of snow on the ground.
He knew that the ice was too thin to risk crossing the river.have a thin time : 过得不顺。没想到thin还有这么多的用法,你学会了吗?