大象新闻·东方今报首席记者 吴净净作为今年春节档的重头戏,拥有众多“荣誉出品人”的《封神第二部:战火西岐》可谓是备受期待。昨天,在郑州开启的首站映前见面会上,导演乌尔善、制片人罗珊珊携演员那尔那茜、陈牧驰、吴兴国、刘潮现身互动现场,与观众畅谈创作心路与幕后故事。
In contrast to the luxurious and lofty capital city of Zhaoge, the film depicts the distant state of Xiqi as bright and warm. Wuershan explained, “The design of Xiqi is entirely distinct from that of Zhaoge in terms of aesthetics. Zhaoge represents power and desire — it is grand, opulent, and even carries a sense of menace. In contrast, Xiqi, untouched by war for hundreds of years, embodies the warmth and harmony of an agricultural civilization. In the film, you'll notice that the soldiers' armor and equipment are relatively simple, with some even wearing patched-up clothing. This highlights the completely different cultures and ways of life represented by Xiqi and Zhaoge.”