手机找外教练口语,就用口语侠app。1、You are a dreamboat.你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选。2、You are such a dish.你是个绝色美人 。3、I've been dying to meet you.我非常非常想见到你 。
21)I would like to watch the football match with him this afternoon.——No way . You had better stay at home to wash your worry表示对别人所表现出的焦急给以真心的安慰,意外“放心;不用担心”。
A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。 A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。
他生于乱世凭一己之力缔造一个国家他力挽狂澜创造新加坡经济发展奇迹他陨落于二十一世纪整个国家为之悲恸他就是新加坡建国总理 李光耀《凤凰大视野》3月21日-3月25日《狮城传奇:李光耀逝世一周年特辑》主持人:杜平2015年3月23日,新加坡建国总理李光耀先生与世长辞。
Stevenseems to think his wife is beautiful. It all goes to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī。