This grandfather teaches his granddaugter how to sing Peking Opera. I remixed it. Kang Wansheng is Chinese, born in Jilin, and was an opera actor at the Beijing Opera. Peking Opera is often characterised by super high singing, which this grandpa obviously has down to a tee. For me, it was quite a challenge, but one I was happy to take on.
《TOGETHER》改编自中国民谣《在路上》,歌词由西语、英语、俄语、意大利语组成,演唱者汇集了格莱美最佳蓝调音乐家SugarBlue,蓝调名人堂Tom Forst,曾获格莱美三项提名的古巴阿卡贝拉天团Vocal Sampling等诸多音乐人。