通过Power Supply WebDesigner里的SynchronousBuck功率回路损耗分析工具Power Train Loss,工程师可轻松对比合格MOSFET器件的数据及性能,自动排除超过TJ 限制的器件,选择设计裕量和工作温度范围,选择单个或双重封装的MOSFET,根据额定电压、电流或封装筛选器件,添加并联器件和栅极阻尼电阻, 立即计算出不同的Q1 + Q2 组合的损耗,。
状态一:当开关管 Q 导通时,电流从开始输出,经过开关管 Q → 电感器 L → 电容器 C → 负载供电。状态二:当开关管 Q 截止时,电流不再是从输入端获得,而是通过续流回路,电流从电感器 L 存储的能量 → 电容 C → 负载→ 二极管 D。
Milwaukee's championship rings feature the popular fan slogan “Fear The Deer”. The rings have 360 diamonds on the top to represent the Bucks' total wins under current ownership. There are 16 emerald-shape diamonds on each side, symbolizing their 16 playoff wins last season and their 16 division titles in franchise history.