Aunt Fern: And I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.我祝愿你们俩永远幸福美满。Tom: Wow, that was beautiful, Aunt Fern. Thank you.
幸福,是每个人都在不懈追求的梦想,因为,每个人都想幸福地活着。We are much happier than those who have been sick for years, in wars, or in natural disasters.
Have a whale of a time.玩儿得非常痛快!On cloud nine.狂喜、处于飘飘然的状态。Tickled pink.喜出望外。On top of the world.幸福到极点。Happy as a clam.很高兴,非常快活。Buzzing.
may day is a time cleaning,remove trouble dont keep!The roses will be sent to you, and you will depend on it. Send you a big peach blossom, time to run all depend on it. Delivers you a bundle of white flowers, hundred years good and count on it. Give you a bowl of beancurd, and then laugh. Happy May Day!
这两项调查一共涵盖了逾3.5万人。People who had up to two hours of free time a day generally reported they felt better than those who’d had less time. But people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally said they felt worse.但是每天空闲时间超过五小时的人却感觉更糟。
根据中科院心理所发布的《中国国民心理健康发展报告(2019-2020)》, 2020年,中国青少年抑郁检出率为24.6%。 《报告》(2021—2022)则显示,青少年群体有14.8%存在不同程度的抑郁风险。 有一个流行词叫“卷”,不惜一切的狂卷,把育儿“军备大赛”拉伸到极致。