1,Don’t let something that doesn’t matter cause you to lose something that does.别让那些不重要的事来影响你,从而让你失去那些真正重要的东西。2.
在日常的邮件还有会话当中我们总是会使用一些英文的缩写就连讲话的时候也难免会夹带些今天就来学习一下办公室这些常用的英文用语吧~FYI/FYRFYI=foryour informationFYR所表达的意思也是相近的就是表示“供你参考”的意思常常会出现在邮件当中如果在协助同事工作的时
英文释义:When you're dressed like a diva or when you’re pimped out . You’re workin’ it, struttin’ it, walkin’ with attitude and having a good time, all at the same time.
China attaches great importance to developing relations with the AU, and takes the AU as an important partner for promoting China-Africa friendship and cooperation as well as solidarity and cooperation among developing countries. We firmly support the AU in playing a bigger role in African and international affairs. China is ready to work with the AU rotating Chairperson and Senegalese President Macky Sall, Chairperson of the AU Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat and other AU leaders to further strengthen communication and coordination, deepen political mutual trust, expand practical cooperation, and firmly support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns, so as to jointly bring China-AU and China-Africa relations to a higher level.
中新经纬客户端5月26日电 工信部20日最新公布统计数据显示,截至4月末,三家基础电信企业的移动电话用户总数达15.9亿户,其中4G用户规模为12.73亿户,在移动电话用户总数中占比为80%,相较于3月末下滑0.2个百分点,4G用户加快向5G迁移。