第 1 期——医生简笔画 没有一个冬天不会过去,没有一个春天不会来临,致敬医务工作者!step 1 画帽子首先,用弧线画出医生的帽子。step 2 画脸部然后,将五官和口罩画好。step 3 画身体接着,画出医生的身体部分,要注意和头部的比例关系,不要画的过大。
Cover story: My father Yue-tian Yu is a doctor specializing in critical care medicine. He is also very good at diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. After the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, he went to Wuhan immediately to treat the critically ill patients. In 2021, as a member of the medical rescue team, he worked at Shanghai public health center for about three months to rescue patients in critical condition. During the Omicron pandemic in 2022, it was the third time that he went out to battle against COVID-19. He treated patients in three different mobile cabin hospitals and went back home triumphantly this May. We are very proud of all the members of Renji medical rescue team. This picture is a gift for him to remember those unforgettable days.