“6.The required limit of < 1.0 x 109 ohm is the“maximum” allowed value. The user should document the resistance values that were measured for product qualification for the footwear and the floor to comply with the < 100 volts body voltage generation and use these resistances for compliance verification.”解读为鞋和地面的符合性验证要求限值小于1.0 乘10 的9 次方欧姆是标准允许最大值,使用者按实际测量做出的限值无论如何不能超过此值。
什么是VOCs?在我国,VOCs是指常温下饱和蒸汽压大于70.91 Pa、标准大气压101.3kPa下,沸点在50~260摄氏度以下且初馏点等于250摄氏度的有机化合物,或在常温常压下任何能挥发的有机固体或液体。