不久微软也公布了相关内容 ,其中关于默认值的部分值得关注:Recommended Defaults for Enabling/Disabling Virtualization Extensions. The default setting of this switch requires some thought. Consider the costs of disabling Intel Virtualization Technology/AMD Virtualization through a system firmware setting: If these facilities are disabled by default in system firmware, users would have to explicitly enable that support on each platform instance for legitimate uses, which would represent a significant challenge for enterprises that have thousands of machines and plan on using the hardware extensions. The cost of enabling virtualization hardware support through a manual system firmware setting would result in an increase in deployment time and cost. This cost can be mitigated through the use of various in-band and out-of-band mechanisms for remote management. Given the current usage model for the virtualization extensions, we believe that the following default settings are the right ones for system firmware: For systems that are destined for a server role , enable the virtualization extensions. The threat of running malicious code as an administrator on servers is reduced through Windows Server policies and organizational best practices. For systems that are destined for a client role, disable the virtualization extensions. For systems that might be deployed in either a server or client role , it would be prudent to disable the extensions by default. As always, the exception to any guideline is when a customer specifically indicates to a manufacturer that they do not want to follow that guideline.
具体设置步骤如下:1、开机后按“DEL”或“F2”进入BIOS;2、在Advanced选项页中找到System Agent Configuration并选择zd进入;3、进入System Agent Configuration后将VT-D选项设置为Enabled即可。
win10系统怎么开启vt1、重启电脑,使用快捷键进入电脑的bios设置。2、在bios内找到VT选项 通常VT选项会在bios的Advanced页面下的CPU选项内,如果不在的话还需要大家在bios中耐心寻找。
虚拟化可以把一台电脑虚拟成多台虚拟机,可以充分利用电脑的性能。那电脑上需要做什么设置呢?主要是开启CPU的虚拟化指令支持功能。下面以thinkpad电脑为例,介绍一下设置方法:1、intel 平台①、电脑开机的同时,按F1进入BIOS,系统自动进入Main主页面。