来源:中国日报网 中国日报网10月21日电 (记者:许聃 关晓萌 林虹)位于天山南麓的新疆吐鲁番年均降水量只有16毫米,蒸发量却高达3000毫米,素有“火洲”之称。为减少引水过程中水分蒸发损失,吐鲁番古代劳动人民用勤劳和智慧开凿了地下坎儿井。
最近一段时间,中国正式推出的144小时过境免签政策,为世界各地游客到访中国提供了便利。“Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world”,意思是“跨越长城,我们可以到达世界的任何角落”。
中国日报网10月21日电 (记者:许聃 关晓萌 林虹)位于天山南麓的新疆吐鲁番年均降水量只有16毫米,蒸发量却高达3000毫米,素有“火洲”之称。为减少引水过程中水分蒸发损失,吐鲁番古代劳动人民用勤劳和智慧开凿了地下坎儿井。
来源:环球时报 英国《泰晤士报》9月23日文章,原题:如何爬中国长城穿越崇山峻岭和崎岖地形、绵延超过1.3万英里的中国长城是最令人震撼的地标。长城的规模、历史和文化底蕴使其成为联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产,每年都吸引超千万游客。我有幸爬过两次长城,分别是在八达岭和金山岭。
I am Moin ul Haque , the ambassador of Pakistan to China. I’m so happy to share my views on the launch of this mini-micro-series- on the Heads of States Visits to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China enjoys worldwide fame for its rich history and folklore. It must be one of those few monuments which defines the history and identity of a nation. It is truly a symbol of the unconquerable spirit, innovative genius and architectural excellence of the Chinese nation. Many Pakistani leaders have visited the Wall during their official and state visit to China. In fact, as a mark of Pakistan’s Iron Brotherhood, we played a very humble role in the restoration of the Badaling section of the Wall from Northern Tower Six to Seven in the 1980s. So, in this respect, this initiative is very important and I would like to congratulate the Information Office of the Beijing Municipality, gmw.cn and the China Public Diplomacy for the launching of this mini micro-video series. It would not only serve in preserving those foreign memories and important memories of the visits of the heads of states, but it would also contribute in promoting friendship, cooperation and solidarity among nations. So, thank you and congratulations!