立夏是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第七个节气,标志着由春入夏的季节变迁。2022年5月5日“立夏”,夏天到了,可以开始那熟悉的西瓜。有关它的优美诗句:“春绿树荫浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘。
There is a small breeze and the weather is getting warmer. The Beginning of Summer marks more vitality approaching. We wish you a happy summer.
例:Grain in Ear is the cut-off point for planting crops when the survival rate of crops is high at this time, it also means that the weather getting hot.此时身自得,难更与人同。
The Start of Summer is the seventh of the 24 solar terms, succeeding Guyu. This solar term indicates the arrival of summer. Chinese “Li” means to start, as in “Li Chun,” Start of Spring. “Xia” means “Jia” in ancient Chinese, meaning growth. Start of Summer means the beginning of growth in nature.
Qi has a material existence independent of subjective consciousness and is the basic element of all physical beings. It is also the basis for the birth and existence of life and spirit. In addition, some thinkers have given a moral attribute toqi.Qi is in constant motion and change, and has no specific shape. Its concentration gives birth to a thing and its evaporation signals the end of that thing.Qi permeates all physical beings and their surroundings.
天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星。Stone steps cool as cold water in the night, the maid sits and stares at the Cowherd and Vega in the heavens.露从今夜白,月是故乡明。