例句:She's definitely a gold digger - she only dates wealthy men and expects them to shower her with expensive gifts and trips.
This morning my father and I got up with the chickens. He says one has to get up with the chickens to do a day's work. We got the posthole digger, ax, spud, measuring pole and the mattock. We started for the clearing's edge. Bob didn't go along.
I was checking you out on Facebook and realize you're in NY.Haven't seen you in forever.I'll be there starting the 27th. Will you be around?
1 突破规则:篮球比赛的阴谋 我们往往把无益当成有益,却对使我们强大而明智的东西视而不见。 1 维威克·拉纳迪夫决定担任女儿安贾莉所在篮球队的教练时,他给自己定下了两大原则。第一大原则就是他永远不会大声吼孩子们。