Catfish的本义是“鲶鱼”,但它还有一个引申出来的非正式用法。剑桥词典的解释是:someone who pretends on social media to be someone different, in order to trick or attract other people。
比如,国内大都市每天上下班交通拥挤,尤其地铁拥挤很厉害,我们就可以用sardine这个词构成的短语来描述,即,be packed in like sardines,像沙丁鱼挤在罐头里那么密实,如,The commuters are packed into metro like sardines in a can.。
这个短语的英文解释是a person who is considered important primarily because the place or setting is small 主要因为地点或环境较小而被认为重要的人。约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池子里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了嘛?
big fish大人物Why would anyone listen to you?You ain't a big fish.怎么会有人听你的,你又不是什么大腕儿。cold fish冷漠的人Uncle George is a cold fish.He never laughs.
Online scammers and catfish usually have broad profile interests so that they can appeal to as many people as possible.
Fish live in streams, ponds, rivers, and oceans. Fish like to swim together with other fish in a school. Schools of fish swim together to stay safe.
知识链接:凡是规则,皆有例外——规则的可数名词复数,真的规则吗? 道是无序却有序——不规则的可数名词复数,真的不规则吗? 何处安放的s——复合名词的复数,真的那么复杂吗? 在英语中,没有复数词形变化(或者说没加"s/es"等复数标志)的名词有三类:1.