把英语和历史放在一起,是一件娱乐性十足的智力游戏。1755年,英语诞生了第一部词典 ,是靠“大汉学家”约翰逊以一己之力轻松完成的《约翰逊词典》,与《康熙字典》格式几乎完全一样,词/字数量也几乎完全一样。
请家长朋友大概了解词源:A classical compound, being a naturalization into English via the German Biologie from the New Latin coinage biologia, with components derived from Ancient Greek βίος + -λογία .
词源:helium 1868, coined from Greek hēlios “sun” , because the element was detected in the solar spectrum during the eclipse of Aug. 18, 1868, by English astronomer Sir Joseph N. Lockyer and English chemist Sir Edward Frankland . It was not actually obtained until 1895;
late 14c., “soda ash,” from Medieval Latin alkali, from Arabic al-qaliy “the ashes, burnt ashes” , from qala “to roast in a pan.” Later extended to similar substances, natural or manufactured. The modern chemistry sense is from 1813.
mid-15c., “tillage, cultivation of large areas of land to provide food,” from Late Latin agricultura “cultivation of the land,” a contraction of agri cultura “cultivation of land,” from agri, genitive of ager “a field” + cultura “cultivation” . In Old English, the idea could be expressed by eorðtilþ.
各位路过的朋友们,今天的话题超赞的,千万别错过啦!感谢大家花时间阅读,要是觉得不错,就点个赞,关注一下,顺便留个评论呗。小妹我先在这儿祝大家身体健康,天天开心,事事顺心!某乎有这样一个热点话题 ,如何看待美国识字率只有79%?应该是思维方式不一样导致词组发展方向不同。