Photo Shop也就是我们常说的PS相信不少人都接触过,几年前PS是修图的必备神器,但因为Adobe Photo Shop正版价格昂贵,很多人都使用的绿色版,破解版等等,这几年随着手机拍照越来越变态,还有许多特别好用的修图App,这也让PS变得没有那么重要了!
Animate CC 的前身是Adobe Flash,相信很多朋友在中学微机课上都接触过。随着Flash逐渐退出历史舞台,Flash也进化为Animate,它维持原有 Flash 开发工具支持外新增 HTML 5 创作工具,为网页开发者提供更适应现有网页应用的音频、图片、视频、动
PhotoShop · 只讲思路,不讲教程日常中生活中我们常常会看到一些令人捧腹的恶搞图,精美个人写真还有精致细腻的海报,震惊感慨之余你也许也会有自主操刀之意,奈何PhotoShop门堪过高而只得临渊羡鱼。
Ps founders: thomas noel and john noel. In 1987, Thomas Noel found that the Apple computer at that time could not display black and white images with grayscale when helping him with his doctoral thesis, so he wrote a program Display. At this time, John Noel worked in the special effects production company Industry Light Magic, and was very interested in Thomas' program. The two brothers continuously modified Display into a more powerful image editing program more than a year later. They accepted a suggestion from an exhibitor at an exhibition and renamed the program Photoshop.
不少人可能有一个经历,虽然不是专业美编,但偶尔会碰上一些需要用到 Photoshop 的情况。比如世超有同学开了培训机构,遇到节日要搞促销,就想着从网上下「海报模版. psd 」,自己改 2 个字就行。但要为此专门买个 PS 似乎有点不值。