"Deep" 和 "deeply" 都与“深”有关,但它们的用法和词性不同。1. **Deep**: - **词性**: 形容词或副词。 - **形容词**: 表示“深的”,通常用来描述物理深度或抽象概念的深度。 - 例子: - The well is very deep.
这是一种表达团队合作和互相照顾的方式,通常在危险或高压环境下使用。In the olden days, misbehaving students might receive “six of the best” with a cane as a form of discipline。
这个词儿其实不算是熟词偏义了,《剑桥词典》对它的解释为:not as good as the best and therefore not wanted as much. 因此大家可以直接理解为“次优的”。
if we take short breaks__.19. Food in small pieces could be eaten easily from the sun twigs which_ turned into chopsticks.20. Walls make of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat_ during cool nights, thus warning the house.21. …