你继续翻了几页后,它发现你压根不听劝,还会使出威胁的招儿:“You better close it up before you catch a cold.”可是,聪明的小读者才不会中圈套,识破它的伎俩继续翻到下一页。
And I remember when my kids were little, we would check out books from DK Publishing because they made really good kids picture books where they could learn new words and see the pictures.
在职场的日常办公中我们少不了需要用到电脑甚至有的朋友没有电脑都没有办法工作那么“开电脑”这个简单的动作“open the computer”?额......谜底还是等一会揭晓先继续往下看看吧~01 “开电脑”怎么说?
roll down the window。need some air/get some air透透气。例:You must not get out of the car when it is in motion.