请点击右上角“+关注”,关注阿卡索少儿英语头条号,及时接收精彩内容。44 ways to say I MISS YOU!44种表达<我想你>的方式我想你,除了I miss you,你还能想到其他44种表达方式吗?快快收藏起来吧!官方建议:结合视频一起学习,知识点会记得更牢固!
马上就要到七夕了,若能与亲爱的TA一起出去嗨当然最完美。但对于身处异地的恋人们,发条信息表达爱意也是极好的。那么问题来了,面对TA爱意绵绵的“I miss you”,你要怎么回答呢?I miss you.我想你。
I really miss you, yes I do.我真的很想你I'd rather fight with you than love anyone else.哪怕和你吵架我也愿意I don't want everybody's attention.
I think I'll miss you forever. Like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies.我会永远想念你I love two things, a rose and you.
I miss you but you don't.我很想你你却不想我And now we don’t talk anymore.如今我们已是陌生人Through anything, I’ll stay with you.
I hate that I miss you. I hate that you forgot about me. 我很想念你你却忘记我I hate that you don't want me. I hate that I still care about you.
Missing someone right now.此时此刻我在想你Missing someone & not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.
Think of You 想你In the morning when the sun is just starting to light the day I am awakened and my first thoughts are of youAt night I stare
I might not text you first, but that doesn't mean i'm not dying to talk to you.没发信息给你但是特别想你Can we go back to the way we used to be?
I‘ll miss you。我会想你的。I wish I could go with you。我真希望能和你在一起。Give me a call sometime。有空给我打电话。Call me sometime。有空打电话。
想要用英语告白,但是开口的时候,脑子里除了“I love you!“以外就一片空白!瞬间觉得自己那么多年的英语白学了~其实,在英语中还有许多表达爱意的方法与词汇!今天,小编就把这些甜言蜜语推荐给大家,试着大胆表白吧!
Even when I miss you, you're still not missing me.我很想念你你却一点不想我I'm always here for you!我会永远等着你I still care, you still don't.