I am Moin ul Haque , the ambassador of Pakistan to China. I’m so happy to share my views on the launch of this mini-micro-series- on the Heads of States Visits to the Great Wall. The Great Wall of China enjoys worldwide fame for its rich history and folklore. It must be one of those few monuments which defines the history and identity of a nation. It is truly a symbol of the unconquerable spirit, innovative genius and architectural excellence of the Chinese nation. Many Pakistani leaders have visited the Wall during their official and state visit to China. In fact, as a mark of Pakistan’s Iron Brotherhood, we played a very humble role in the restoration of the Badaling section of the Wall from Northern Tower Six to Seven in the 1980s. So, in this respect, this initiative is very important and I would like to congratulate the Information Office of the Beijing Municipality, gmw.cn and the China Public Diplomacy for the launching of this mini micro-video series. It would not only serve in preserving those foreign memories and important memories of the visits of the heads of states, but it would also contribute in promoting friendship, cooperation and solidarity among nations. So, thank you and congratulations!
巴基斯坦追购歼10C,战机一步到位,印度五代机或需再等10年歼 10C 性能卓越,巴铁追购有底气动力系统优势尽显巴基斯坦之所以追购歼 10C,其搭载的动力强劲的涡扇 10B 发动机是重要原因之一。歼 10C 配备的涡扇 10B 发动机,最大推力超过了 14 吨。
据新华社伊斯兰堡8月16日电 (记者蒋超)巴基斯坦莫赫曼德水电站项目16日举行截流仪式,标志着这一中企承建的项目建设进入“快车道”。莫赫曼德水电站位于巴基斯坦西北部开伯尔—普什图省的斯瓦特河上,由中国能建葛洲坝集团总承包建设,于2019年9月20日正式开工,总装机容量80万千瓦。
中国网财经1月12日讯 (记者 张增艳)近日,卓越集团的“新疆塔县班迪尔乡幸福乡村计划”入选“中国网2022(第二届)乡村振兴优秀案例”,在卓越集团的乡村振兴探索中,其颇具特色的产业振兴模式也备受外界瞩目。
8月8日,纳迪姆在比赛后与显示新奥运会纪录的记分牌合影。新华社发【记者连线】 当地时间8月11日深夜,巴基斯坦拉合尔机场依旧人头攒动、灯火通明。12日凌晨1时许,巴黎奥运会男子标枪金牌获得者阿尔沙德·纳迪姆所乘飞机在“水门礼”中缓缓驶过。