flashback在《牛津词典》的部分释义为a sudden, very clear, strong memory of sth that happened in the past that is so real you feel that you are living through the experience again,表示“闪回”。“爷青回”是2020年B站的年度弹幕之首,完整版是“爷的青春又回来了”。
在一次深入中国校园的采访中,一位来自英国的老外教师惊讶地发现,许多中国学生在描述自己英语水平时,常常使用“My English is poor”这样的表达。然而,这位经验丰富的教师却连连摇头,表示这样的说法不仅不准确,还可能无意中降低了自己的交流自信。
The sporophore of Agaricus blazei Murrill is demolished by ultra-fine pulverization technology——a high and new industrial technology in modern food engineering,to raise the lixiviate rate of amylose.