例:The Four Treasures of the Study is a general term for a set of tools for painting and writing in ancient China, namely paper, ink, brush pen and ink stone. The quality of the Four Treasures of the Study plays a decisive role in one's painting and calligraphy.
文房四士 (wén fáng sì shì) 【出处】 宋·陆游《闲居无客所与度日笔砚纸墨而已戏作长句》诗:“水复山重客到稀,文房四士独相依。”笔、墨、纸、砚统称为“文房四宝”。古人认为万物皆有灵性,笔、墨、纸、砚亦然。
用地道的英语介绍中国传统文化1.元宵节: Lantern Festival2.刺绣:embroidery3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival4.清明节:Tomb sweeping day5.剪纸:Paper Cutting6.
大家上小学时就知道,钢笔的英文是pen,铅笔的英文是pencil,那你知道圆珠笔的英文是什么吗?砚台的英文是 inkstone,这个词也被收录进了韦氏词典,而给出的英文释义为:a stone used in Chinese art and calligraphy on which dry ink and water are mixed.
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