苏珊在比赛的大部分时间里都能遥遥领先,但当她在最后阶段精力减弱时,她让其他人追了上来。In engineering skill, the company is streets ahead of its competitors.
ADJ Someone or something that is dominant is more powerful, successful, influential, or noticeable than other people or things. 处于支配地位的。
事实上,我们可以把面试可看做一种自我推销。只有面试官认为你将来的价值将高于其他应聘者,你才能赢得这个职位。那么如果有机会表现自己时,要抓住这个机会。让我们来看一下应聘者如何用英语推销自己的。Question:What are your great strengths?
way 方式,手段 in this way the way to do sth=the way of doing sth。approach= handle=cope with=deal with=do with= settle= address=attend to=see to= work out。