STP理论是由美国营销学家菲利普 · 科特勒在总结前人的理论基础上提出的一种制定市场营销战略的方法, 它包括市场细分、目标市场、市场定位三个部分,指企业在一定的市场细分基础上,首先选择目标客户,其次确定目标市场,最后进行市场定位。
The greatest marketing theory of the 20th century is positioning theory. Positioning theory was proposed by Jack Trout and Al Ries in the 1960s, and is also known as the fathers of positioning. In 1969, the two masters first proposed the concept of “positioning” in business in the paper “Positioning: The Competitive Advantage of the Homogenization Age”. In 1972, they pioneered positioning theory with the paper “Positioning Era”. In 1981, they published the academic monograph “Positioning”. In 1996, they launched the definitive work of positioning theory “New Positioning”. In 2001, positioning theory overwhelmed Philip Kotler and Michael Porter, and was rated by the American Marketing Association as “the concept with the greatest impact on American marketing in history”.