哈喽,各位好,这里是一娃老师,从事英语教育工作十年有余,致力于让孩子快乐学习英语。今天给大家分享的是英语翻翻书制作ALL ABOUT ME. 所有翻翻书资源评论“翻翻书”可取,喜欢的朋友可以持续跟随。下面进入正题。
I worked very hard for the past three and a half years and was rewarded with the National Encouragement Scholarship for one time and the University Scholarship for twice in a row. At the same time, I was elected as the “outstanding student leader” because of my excellent practical capacity.I have a strong sense of responsibility. When I was an intern in the Teacher's Office, I tried to do all the work assigned to me, and got the unanimous praise from the teachers. So I believe that in the future, if my graduate study supervisors assign me some learning and scientific research tasks, I can also take them seriously and work hard to complete them. In my spare time, I always read some classic novels which, in my opinion, can help me improve my ability to understand and communicate with others.
阳光讯(徐金梅 记者 刘杰)为了全面实施“减负不减质,增效不增量”的作业管理措施,进一步激发学生作业热情,实现“双减”政策下的作业最优化,西安市未央区枣园小学英语组的老师们致力于作业设计与研究,注重实践性,“乐”中求知,“动”中求识。
1. Track and field 田径Athletics involves two types of sports. Track events are mostly running races on a track…田径包括两种运动。
听音频请点击下面适读年龄:5-9岁小朋友们,你们知道蛇有哪些本领吗?今天的故事会告诉我们小蛇各种各样的本领哦。让我们一起来读故事吧!All about Snakes 关于蛇A snake can swim.This snake is swimming in the water.
美国小学开学将近两个月了,可是因为都是网络授课,同学之间似乎还是不怎么熟络,于是从这周开始,我打算和班上的孩子们来个”自我介绍“的小活动。这个活动美国小学并不陌生,通过”All about me“的自我介绍活动,小朋友可以认识身边的朋友,还能锻炼自己的表达能力。说干就干,整个周末我开始了一番“All about me”的搜罗工作,我希望找到一款最适合班上孩子们的海报模板,这款海报要简洁,还要包含重要的信息点,让孩子们通过这场活动,能了解同学的爱好、兴趣等等。
点 毛妈carol讲英文绘本亲子故事 关注1200多个绘本音频、儿童歌谣免费听曼妮一岁以后,突然好像瞬间长大了一样,有了自己的主见和喜好,也更明白大人的语言交流了,这时期给她看的书单品种就丰富多啦,各种翻翻书、音乐书、机关玩具书、洞洞书、异形书、花边书、单词书、找找看书等,小家伙
Phyllis (on the phone): "All I can do is take it one day at a time. Yes. Oh, oh, okay. Well, thanks so much for calling."我也就是过一天算一天罢了。