二十四节气·小雪丨小雪雪满天,来年必丰年The24 Solar Terms·Minor Snow丨If it snows during Minor Snow, there will be a good harvest next year11月22日22时03分迎来中国二十四节气里
天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星。Stone steps cool as cold water in the night, the maid sits and stares at the Cowherd and Vega in the heavens.露从今夜白,月是故乡明。
In some provinces, it is customary to eat cold noodles during the summer solstice. According to the old customs in Beijing, people will eat cold noodles to stimulate their appetite every summer solstice, and at the same time they don't have to worry about diarrhea.
“立”是“开始”的意思,作为24节气之一,“立春”从春秋时期就走进了人们的生活。I slept in spring not conscious of the dawn,But heard the gay birds chattering all around.
消寒糕是年糕的一种,一般由糯米、红枣、桂圆、核桃、白糖等材料制成,碳水丰富,食之可起到抗寒作用。In some areas of China, people always fall over each other in eagerness to buy sesame straw during this period because of the old saying, “Rise joint by joint like sesame flowers on the stem.” This saying is used to describe either ever-rising living standards or making steady progress in thought, studies or skills.
In spring and summer, planting should be carried out as early as possible. May you be busy and be fruitful. Hope you have many achievements and enjoy life amidst the beautiful summer!