01北京 前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下! ——【唐】陈子昂《登幽州台歌》有人说:“人生有三重境界:见天地,知敬畏;见众生,懂怜悯;见自己,明归途。”如果说有那样一首诗,是写尽了这三重境界。诗词君最先想到的,是陈子昂的这首《登幽州台歌》。
Liang Kuo, pen name Murphy, is a contemporary poet and a first-class author of Chinese poetry. Born in Shangdu County, Inner Mongolia, with a bachelor's degree and a senior high school teacher. Jining No.2 Middle School has retired. Member of the Chinese Poetry Society, in the poetry world Director of the Chinese Poetry Creation Research Institute, Director of the Chinese Poets Association, and Member of the Inner Mongolia Poetry Society. Advisor to Ulanqab Poetry Society. Advisor to the Poetry Association of Jining District, Ulanqab City. More than 1200 works have been published in various levels and types of journals, among which the paper “Reading Notes Abstract ” was published in the 146th issue of “Poetry World” on June 2020. Some of the poems and songs can be found scattered in publications such as “Chinese Poetry”, “Chinese Sanqu”, “Poetry Selections”, “Ulanqab Daily”, “Chilechuan”, etc. Part of the works have been included in the “Representative Composition Library of Contemporary Chinese Writers, Calligraphers, and Painters”, “The Great Nation's Burden”, “Collected Edition of Chinese Poetry Writers”, and “Dictionary of Chinese Poets - Commemorating the 1320th Anniversary of the Birth of Poet Li Bai”. Part of the works have been included in publications such as “Commemorating the 970th Anniversary of Huang Tingjian's Birth”, “National Poet Archives”, “Contemporary Chinese Poets' Boutique Grand View”, “Selected Poems of the Century”, “Annual Selection of Chinese Poetry”, etc. Has won multiple national competition special prizes, gold medals, and first prizes. Poetry and prose have been reported 14 times by People's Daily and reprinted on six major websites. Published 'Traces of Life - Murphy's Poetry Collection'