歌词归纳出的超级长难句,华丽地提升英语水平:1、It isn't that I'm ungrateful for all the things that I've earned,for all the journeys I have taken,all the lessons that I have learned,but I wonder where I'm going now,what my role is meant to be.
蓝色代表略音红色代表连音橙色代表每个单词意思以及美国KK音标You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,ju ɑr maɪ sʌnʃaɪn ˌmaɪ onlɪ sʌnʃaɪn你 是 我的 阳光 我的 唯一的 阳光你是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光,You
祖国72华诞全国人民唱响了同一首歌《我和我的祖国》今天给大家分享的是这首歌曲的英文版本《My motherland and me》用一样的旋律和一样的深情向祖国献礼填词:张 藜谱曲:秦咏诚译配:覃 军 (湖北民族大学)演唱:Lucy
之前的文章里,我分享了关于英文童谣,父母最容易掉进去的三个大坑。1. 以为听多了,就自然懂了。2. 以为会唱,就是学会了。3. 以为只学英文儿歌,就够了。避免了踩坑后,今天分享下,用英文童谣引导孩子学英语的正确步骤。
And don't like what you find你会发现并不像你所想像的那样。There's something you should know有些事情你应当知晓。You've got a place to ~~
One little, two little, three little Indians,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indians.
One little finger, one little finger, one little finger;I hear a pig, pig, pig, pig, pig. I hear a pig.