Freaky Friday is the film that impressed me most. It usesa very novel way to let the mother and the daughter swap into their own bodies and experience the difficulties of each other's life. Finally, they reached areconciliation. It is a real and warm film. The mother andthe daughter in the film resemble the relationship between children and their parents in most real life families. Parents give their children everything they want,but they don't understand it. so they give it to them in their own way. But the children don't understand why there should be limited when everything is given, so we have our own ideas.
利用英文影视来提高学生的间接言语使用能力 利用英文影视来提高学生的间接言语使用能力 北方工业大学文法学院 张 娜 摘 要: 国内高校英语学习者由于缺乏真实的语言环境,在跨文化交际能力上有很大的提升空间,尤其在间接言语行为上有明显的缺失
极目新闻记者 张渊“在每个孩子心中最隐秘的角落,都有一根独特的琴弦。”8月14日,新学期临近,武汉市黄陂区第一中学英语教师陈映茹正在收拾新工位。为了离学生更近一点,她总是把办公室搬在学生教室的隔壁。常伴左右的是一封封历届毕业生的临别赠言,一卷卷彩色便笺纸,密密麻麻写满学生情意。